Pine Pollen Tincture vs. Powder
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So you know a bit about pine pollen and its benefits for your health. But you are absolutely clueless when you heard that it is available in two forms. Now you are probably wondering what’s the difference between the powder and tincture form.
If you were thinking these forms are same in function, we’ve learned that this is not the case. Pine pollen tincture and powder have distinct functionality and each have their own benefits.
So in order to compare them together, we will look at the benefits of each one by one:
Pine Pollen Powder benefits
n powder form, pine pollen is giving you all the nutrients it is capable of. It provides antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients that are important for the health of your body.
In the powder form, pine pollen can be thought of as a complete food. That is why it is also available in a Megadose version which gives you a lot of pine pollen in one dosage.
The only problem with the powdered form is that DHEA and other important hormones like testosterone are destroyed when they are in the digestive tract. (Read more about pine pollen & testosterone in our article here.)
However that doesn’t mean you don’t get the other benefits. There is another big advantage of powdered form is that you will never go over unsafe hormone levels.
Check out Lost Empire Herbs Pine Pollen POWDER Here.
Pine pollen tincture benefits
In tincture form, the added alcohol allows drawing out all the phyto-androgens and turns them into concentrated form. With this, other components of the pollen will also come with it. by taking it orally, the hormones present in it will immediately enter your blood stream. That means it will no longer go to your digestive track to be consumed.
The tincture form is usually used when you really want a boost in your hormones. With this you can also easily overdose causing an imbalance of hormones in the body. So if you are unsure, never take the tincture form of pine pollen.
Pine pollen tinctures are stronger than powder which is why they are only recommended to men over 30 years. If you are a young male, you can easily use it without the worry of getting into trouble. Although if you just want a bit of boost in your general health, pine pollen in powder form is recommended.
Pine pollen in tincture form is also not recommended to women because of its higher effects on hormone levels (and if you’re pregnant or lactating, you’re definitely advised to steer clear of it entirely) – but you can learn more about what IS safe for women with regard to their use of pine pollen here.
One of the best sources of information regarding pine pollen in EITHER form is through the folks at Lost Empire Herbs. They have an excellent article about Pine pollen tincture vs powder HERE.
Check out Lost Empire Herbs Pine Pollen TINCTURE Here.
Where to Buy Pine Pollen
As you may have seen on the site, there are a LOT of places to purchase herbs and supplements. When it comes to certain herbs, however, we have to say that Lost Empire Herbs is probably one of the best – if not THE best – sources of well-researched information for learning about herbs. And, when we were looking at where to buy pine pollen, Lost Empire is at the top of the list.
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