Very Cool & Unusual Gifts! Magnetic APPLIANCE ART on Amazon
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Years ago, when we first saw the Fridge Fronts pitch during that great Shark Tank episode, pretty much the entire product was about dressing up the face of your old refrigerator. But, wow! Has this thing grown! Check out what’s going on these days in the appliance art industry HERE on the Appliance Art page at Amazon and you’ll see something pretty awesome…Magnetic covers for Washers and Dryers that truly dress those up, dishwasher covers, and of course, at least a million (no exaggeration) designs and themes to choose from.
It’s really so much more than refrigerator skins these days!
For just one single little example, check out this “Starry Night” magnetic dishwasher cover design (inspired by Vincent Van Gogh)! See what I mean?
This is a truly fun website with a terrific function that can save a lot of money when you don’t NEED to replace your appliance, but just want to “dress it up” a bit.
Please visit today! The “overall” store is Easy Home Renewals at Amazon, and underneath the main header, you’ll see a boatload of cool appliance art designs!